Allied Academies

Vance Shaffer

Vance Shaffer
Tube-Evac , USA

Vance Shaffer, an experienced President with a demonstrated history of working in the medical device industry. He is having strong business development professional skilled in Customer Service, Medical Devices, Entrepreneurship, Strategic Planning, and Business Development. He was the inventor of Tube-Evac. Quick, easy, and safe! Give your patients and their caregivers the peace of mind they deserve after surgery. Tube-Evac is an award winning device that makes stripping surgical drainage tubes fast and easy, allowing for better patient outcomes. He studied Computer Science and Mathematics at University of Cincinnati and worked at various companies in data base and various commercial enterprises. In last 20 years, he was working with Cray Research and IBM Research where he taught PhD’s, Post Docs, and Professors how to optimize computer programs to run on High Performance Computer systems with hundreds or thousands of computers. These codes were for molecular modeling, environmental modeling, stellar modeling, radioactive conversion to inert glass, optimization of materials management, keeping track of materials, and many other codes.  

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