Allied Academies

About Conference

Who We Are:

Allied Academies is a non-profit organization which hosts interdisciplinary international self-funded conferences on cutting-edge basic and applied research in life sciences, medicine, healthcare and nursing delivered by the best tents in industry and academia. Founded in 1996, the mission of Allied Academies is to gather the researchers, principal investigators, experts and researchers working under academia and health care industry,business delegates, scientists and students across the globe to provide an international forum for the dissemination of research results, new ideas and to build a network between people of the same profession.

 About Conference:

2nd International Conference on Medical and Health Sciences is a one day online event which aims in gathering of world-renowned medical practitioners, professors,researchers and experts of about 15 medical disciplines on August 31-September 01, 2020 . The theme of this Webinar  is ‘Comprehensive Forum for Furtherance of Health and Medicine’. The courses are presented in various session formats for an engaging educational experience, such as clinical case presentations, interactive workshops and debates. Medical Science 2020 is also the ideal place to discover the latest products on the market. Take a stroll through the exhibition hall and attend the symposia to have an enriching and intense scientific experience.

Conference Mode: Online

Dates: September 02, 2020

Registration fee and Benefits includes:

•           Access to All Sessions Online

•           E-Handbook & E-Conference Kit

•           E-Certificate of Presentation

•           Online publication of Abstracts and Biography of authors in our webpage which has 25 million visitors

•           Online publication of Biography and Abstracts in respective conference websites which has 25,000 online unique subject experts’ visitors

Group booking:

A group booking of two or more individuals is eligible for a discount. Please email your details with 'group booking' mentioned in the subject line to [email protected] to secure a discount code.


2nd International Conference on Medical and Health Sciences is an excellent opportunity to bring your research to the global attention and earn some academic fame. ICMHS 2020 is proud to recognize the deserving with awards that uplift their career and encourage to achieve more. Judged on quality of research, creativity, and effectiveness of particulars, the awards and appreciations are also distributed.


Speakers are an integral part of a conference and they decide the dimension of the event. A conference’s success is majorly decided by the speakers the conference has. Allied Academies is proud to present the Best Speaker Award to a rightfully deserving speaker who shows exemplary presentation skills, interacts with the audience, owns the moment and adds an important dimension to the conference proceedings. Their presentation, body language, soft skills, research information and audience engagements are all taken into account. Each speaker is crucially evaluated by the Organizing Committee Members and unanimously selected as the best speaker.


A keynote talk is delivered to set the underlying tone and summarize the core message or most important topic of the conference. A keynote speaker should be able to catch the essence of the gathering and be able to highlight it to the audience in a period of about 40 minutes. Best Keynote Award is presented to someone who is well known for their expertise and delivers a beneficial plenary talk to the attendees. Judged on the audience engagement and field expertise, keynotes must possess great soft skills to set them apart from the normal speakers.


This competition is open to all students, graduates, postgraduates and research scholars (not above the age of 35). Not only the visuals of the poster, but the presentation skills of the presenter are also taken into account for winning the Best Poster Presentation Award. Poster Competition is organized at Allied Academies to encourage students and recent graduates to present their original research in the form of a poster which is easily viewable and open for all to perceive and question. Allied Academies aims at acknowledging all the budding scientists and researchers to present their real-time work related to the theme of the conference.


Young investigators are the focus of this award. The Young Researchers Forum is a platform exclusively for the young generation of researchers. It offers young researchers the possibility to discuss research topics and develop ideas, learn from each other and gain acknowledgment from experienced researchers. These presentations are of 20 minutes duration in related scientific track followed by 5 minutes Q&A. Most comprehensive and dynamic talk will receive the Young Scientist Award.

Target Audience:

We are hosting an audience of physicians, medical professors,neurologists, psychologists, internists, surgeons, cardiologists, gynecologists,dermatologists, pediatricians, ophthalmologists, nephrologists, medical industry leaders, medical device manufacturers and relevant society members.


All presentations during the congress will be conducted in English, the official language of the ICMHS 2020.

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