Otorhinolaryngology is a sub specialty inside medication and medical procedure that manages the careful and clinical administration of conditions in the ear, nose, throat, head and neck. Otolaryngologists give care to an assorted scope of conditions, utilizing both clinical and careful aptitudes to treat their patients. They will have a firm comprehension of health science important to the head and neck, the upper respiratory and upper wholesome frameworks, correspondences frameworks, and concoction detects.
1. · Otology
2. · Rhinology
3. · Laryngology
4. · Head and Neck Surgery
5. · Facial Plastic Surgery
6. · Sleep Disorders
Related: Medical Health Online Conference | Public Health Webinar | Health Science Podcast | Healthcare Webcast | Healthcare Management Online event | Mental Health Webinar | Medical Science Podcast
Related Associations: World Health Organization | American Medical Association | American Society for Healthcare Risk Management | Indian Medical Association | Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland | British Medical Association | Canadian Medical Association | Brazilian Medical Association | American Academy of Dermatology | American Academy of Ophthalmology | American College of Cardiology | Royal Society of Medicine